What is IT Staffing

IT staffing is an art.

At one level, IT staffing can be defined as the act of finding the right candidate for the right job in an IT company. 

But, clearly, by performing this act diligently, consistently, and passionately, it can evolve into an art form. 

The IT staffing process involves finding competent candidates, attracting them to join your organization, evaluating them, interviewing them, selecting them, recruiting them, and appraising them. 

It is a strategic role.

IT staffing is a key strategic role in the HR function at an IT company.

In order to fulfill this role, you must understand your company’s vision, values, and goals completely. Remember that you are not just meeting the objective of achieving a headcount. Technology is a constantly evolving space. And when you are staffing for an IT team or an IT company, you are actually hiring domain experts. You are looking for and onboarding highly-skilled people.  So, you need to be an ambassador for your company and not just a recruiter.

Table of Contents

  • The life cycle of an employee
  • The key steps in IT staffing
  • Tips to properly staff your IT Team
  • Key IT staffing models
  • People also ask

The life cycle of an employee 

How you recruit people is largely a function of how you view the life cycle of an employee in your company. If you see every employee as an asset, you will look forward to hiring the right people so that they stay on and add value to your company’s business goals. So, it is important you know what kind of employee is the right one for your company. 

A robust understanding of the life cycle of an employee means you know what the current and future recruitment needs of your company are. This way, you can go beyond just filling positions, look to bring talented people on board who are the right fit for the job and for your company’s culture.

The key steps in IT staffing

People planning

Workforce or people planning is an important first step in staffing your organization. Whom are you recruiting—the quality of the people? And how many are you recruiting—the number of people? The quality and quantity: These are two aspects that critically contribute to the planning process. In the first part, you look for qualifications, previous work experience, special attitude skills that the job entails, and positive reference reviews from past employers and colleagues. Having your people plan laid out elaborately before you begin the staffing process is very important.

Recruitment and selection

Knowing where to find the candidates you are looking for is crucial. Job portals, social media, industry forums, educational forums, and internal buddy referral programs—all these are great sources for leads. Once you have identified and begun receiving applications from prospective candidates, you set up your selection process. Having a detailed job description and matching each candidate’s profile with this description is the right way to narrow down your selection. This approach will leave you with a list that ranks your potential candidates in order of preference. The right candidate for the right job is often found through this extensive and detailed exercise.

Interviewing, placement, and induction

When interviewing candidates, you must surely look for their technical and job-specific skills. But you must also consider if they fit your company’s culture. So, look for people who have the right attitude for the job. 

When placing selected candidates into your company, please make sure you are placing them in the right jobs. Do not place people in functions or roles that don’t fit them just because you are under pressure to fill vacancies or requirements. 

Induce people with warmth and care. Make sure you develop and adhere to a process of familiarizing each candidate with your company’s rules, policies, and culture. Also, outline their job descriptions and roles for them. And give them the assurance that you and your team are available to hand-hold them as they settle in. 


This is not the same as induction. While induction is a one-time process that is typically gone through within the first week of a new employee’s tenure in a company, onboarding involves hand-holding and checking on how they are feeling, how they are settling in. This is a key stage in the life cycle of an employee. It can typically determine how productive the employee will eventually be. An employee who has been onboarded well often goes on to create value and also stays on for a longer period of time. 

Training and development

This requires a detailed and in-depth plan. New hires must be trained on the job. But they must also be put through technical training if their job or role demands it. Also, it is important to plan an employee’s training and development needs and have them regularly attend learning programs that are essential for developing their skills and for their personal development.

Employees feel valued when they can visibly see how much the organization cares for their career and personal growth. When employees don’t feel valued, they are less productive and often frustrated. That’s when they leave an organization. 

Performance appraisal

Typically, most organizations have a process for this. But if the process is not transparent and timely, it often defeats the purpose. Employees expect their managers and their HR teams to appraise them periodically. They appreciate and cherish structured feedback and know what their career growth plan looks like. 


Retain the best employees, retrain them, and empower them to grow. Empowering them here means giving them new roles and responsibilities, investing in their learning and development, and compensating and rewarding them adequately. A satisfied employee, who stays on and serves an organization is an asset. Retaining such a person saves costs, improves productivity, grows profitability, and, importantly, impacts the culture positively.


Handle exits with great care. If you are letting go of an employee who has not performed, know what factors are inhibiting their performance. If a disgruntled employee is leaving you, ask them to tell you how you can make things better at the workplace. And if a great performer is leaving you, wish them well and celebrate them. You want them to be an ambassador for your organization wherever they go. 

Getting better at art

Consistency, good planning, empathy, and a continuous effort to improve the processes—all these are critical to making IT staffing a fine art. The more you practice art efficiently, the better you get at it!

7 Tips to properly staff your IT Team

Properly staffing your IT team can be challenging, but it is essential to ensure that your organization has the necessary technology expertise to operate effectively. Here are some tips to help you properly staff your IT team:

  1. Define Your IT Needs: Before you start hiring, it is essential to define your IT needs. This includes identifying the specific technology areas where you need expertise, the skills and experience required for each role, and the budget and resources available for staffing.
  2. Determine Your Staffing Strategy: There are various staffing strategies you can use to build your IT team, including hiring full-time employees, contractors, and freelancers. Determine which strategy best aligns with your needs and budget.
  3. Hire Based on Skills and Experience: When hiring for IT positions, focus on the candidate’s skills and experience rather than their formal education. IT is a rapidly changing field, and practical experience and knowledge are often more valuable than a degree.
  4. Look for Cultural Fit: Finding candidates who fit well with your organization’s culture and values is just as important as finding candidates with the right skills and experience. IT staff must work well with other teams and communicate effectively with non-technical staff, so consider soft skills as well as technical skills when evaluating candidates.
  5. Provide Opportunities for Growth: IT staff are in high demand and are often looking for opportunities to grow their skills and advance their careers. Provide opportunities for growth and development within your organization to retain top talent and keep your team motivated.
  6. Utilize Outside Resources: If you have limited resources for hiring or need expertise in a specialized area, consider utilizing outside resources such as staffing agencies, consultants, or freelancers.
  7. Create a Positive Work Environment: Creating a positive work environment is essential to keeping your IT team motivated and engaged. Provide a flexible work schedule, offer competitive compensation, and foster a culture of collaboration and innovation.

Key IT staffing models

There are several key IT staffing models that organizations use to build and manage their IT teams. Here are some of the most common ones:

In-House IT Staffing Model: In this model, the organization hires a team of full-time IT employees who work on-site to support the organization’s technology needs. This model provides the organization with complete control over its IT resources and allows for close collaboration between IT staff and other departments.

Staff Augmentation IT Staffing Model: In this model, the organization hires external IT staff to supplement its in-house IT team. These staff members may work on-site or remotely and are usually brought on board for a specific project or a set period of time.

Managed IT Services Model: In this model, the organization outsources its IT functions to a third-party provider who takes care of everything from hardware and software to network infrastructure and cybersecurity. This model allows the organization to focus on its core business functions while leaving IT to the experts.

IT Outsourcing Model: In this model, the organization outsources all of its IT functions to a third-party provider. This model is often used by smaller organizations that lack the resources to build and manage their own IT teams.

Hybrid IT Staffing Model: In this model, the organization combines in-house IT staff with staff augmentation or managed IT services to create a more flexible and scalable IT team. This model allows the organization to adjust its IT staffing based on its changing needs and budgets.

Each of these IT staffing models has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of model will depend on the organization’s specific needs and goals.

People also ask:

What is IT staffing?

IT staffing is the process of finding and hiring employees with the necessary skills and experience to fill IT positions within an organization.

What positions are typically included in IT staffing?

IT staffing can include a wide range of positions, including software developers, network administrators, database administrators, cybersecurity professionals, and more.

Why is IT staffing important?

IT staffing is important because it ensures that an organization has the right personnel with the necessary skills and experience to support its technology needs and operate effectively.

How can I find the right staffing agency for IT staffing?

To find the right staffing agency for IT staffing, look for an agency that specializes in IT staffing and has experience working with companies similar to yours. Check the agency’s website, read reviews from other clients, and ask for references to ensure that you are choosing a reputable and reliable agency.

How can I ensure that I get the best IT staffing service?

To ensure that you get the best IT staffing service, define your staffing needs, choose the right staffing agency, evaluate candidates thoroughly, provide a competitive compensation package, and maintain a positive relationship with the staffing agency.

What should I consider when evaluating IT staffing candidates?

 When evaluating IT staffing candidates, you should consider their skills and experience, their fit with your organization’s culture and values, and their potential for growth and development within the organization.

How important is compensation in IT staffing?

Compensation is important in IT staffing because it is a key factor in attracting and retaining top talent. To attract the best IT professionals, you need to offer a competitive compensation package that includes competitive salaries, benefits packages, and opportunities for career growth and development.

How can I maintain a positive relationship with the staffing agency?

To maintain a positive relationship with the staffing agency, communicate clearly and regularly, provide feedback on candidates, and pay bills on time. Building a positive relationship with the staffing agency can help ensure that you get the best service and that the agency continues to provide you with the best candidates.

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