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[avatar user=”Ashwini Salunke” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” /] Ashwini Salunke |

Confessions of a Corporate Newbie!

First job is something I dreamt of for a long time from childhood to college and here I am reflecting my campus to corporate journey so far

Almost a year back, I was sitting happily in college with not a worry in the world. Of course, there was the pressure of placements. But then everyone knew it was about to come – it was a bomb waiting to explode. And we’d already got a taste of it a year back while watching our seniors. But the major change was the one that would happen in April – when we’d get out of campus and into the wilderness.

Last of College

College life was coming to a close. Corporate life was waiting to swallow us. What lay on the other side was unknown, scary. Some of the seniors spoke of it as. “Guys enjoy your college life, you will never get these days back” “Life isn’t the same after college it gets boring man”. These were the two lines we were frequently hearing. And that was scary. Suddenly I started thinking, “I shouldn’t have got into B-School?”, “I should have taken up a job immediately after graduation or gone for Masters instead!” Yes, it was a bit messy at that point. But then, that too passed. And very soon , Xpheno was at our campus, I registered my name at our placement department, Got interviewed and finally placed! My happiness knew no bounds… I felt like everything just happened in the blink of an eye.

And now, it has been almost 5 months into the first job. Life has changed for sure.

The realisation that firstly hits is that “75% attendance is enough” isn’t the motive anymore…

Ok jokes apart! Now on to what’s exciting and what I miss

First Job blues

In college, I had a ready-made social life of peers who had similar interests as me. It was easy to find time to hang out and socialize, even with a heavy academic schedule. We shared meals and walked together to and from classes. Social events were filled with the same faces I saw every day and the bonds we had made me more comfortable. Since I’ve joined the working world, I’ve found that work life has different of shades attached to it. My own conversations have been around connecting to people with a purpose than just having a no agenda chit chat.
Talking about responsibility, it isn’t as before wherein I stayed up late and maybe at times was too tired to make up to the morning class. I could skip it & get notes later from friends. But, now things aren’t the same showing up on time, paying attention to instructions and being accountable are all important aspects of job responsibility. Sometimes it appears daunting to work with bosses who are in the Industry for 15-20 years but also exciting when you get to learn something new. There are many nervy moments while chasing a prospective customer and disappointments when I am unable to convert them.

What I miss

Yes, It goes without saying that I miss my friends. But, WhatsApp and weekends sort of makeup for it. At college, formal dress was for presentations or some special days. Now, Formals have taken over denim & tee days especially when I have to meet my customers. Sometimes, I do miss my Denim, But, Fridays brings that mood back. We were a large team and there was always somebody who cracked a joke or gave reason to smile. Work world has smaller teams and sometimes that large gathering plus the energy does get missed. As it happens here people look forward to Friday, they call it TGIF. Back then every day was fun day except for exam days 🙂

The Aha moments

There has been a lot of “aha!” moments when the things that I learnt in college came true in my professional life. I was naturally exhilarated when I had my first salary, and there is no more relying on the pocket money now 🙂

When I took my first flight I realised how corporate travel can be. The annual event I attended was a new experience of fun, learning and self-discovery. Oh! Yes, How can I forget my first customer win. Being in a business development role I cherish meeting some of the marquee brands as prospective customers. The huge customer campuses take me by awe!

After all that hustle, I finally got habitual to this new life at my first job and I like it for now. Also, a realisation hit me that just because you’re out of college doesn’t mean the learning stops. In my first job, I am actually applying a lot of things that I learnt.

So yes I am still in the learning process and I hope to reach the heights in my career that I always dreamed of.

The first job has had many ‘aha’ and ‘heart in the mouth’ moments so far.


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