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Certifications help your resume look good and help you ace especially when there is competition during the recruitment process

The Importance of Certifications to Boost Your IT Career

Every individual has some unique skills and abilities. The key in job scenarios is however showcasing the proof that you possess these skills and abilities. Certifications provide this proof and help you showcase your skills and abilities to a future employer. The importance of certifications begins very early in school, followed by college and university education. IT professionals especially benefit from having certifications in varous skills. As cCertifications are a kind of proof that you are capable of completing certain tasks, they can take you a and go a long way to boost your IT career.

What are certifications?

Essentially, certifications are credentials that recognize and validate your expertise and knowledge. Certificate programs are normally of a specific duration and involve education and training. On completion of this training, you receive a certificate of completion. Normally certificate programs help to train an individual in a specific task or to develop competencies in a specific skill. There are various types of certificates like certificates in technical, business, or other fields including graduate certificates.

Why certifications are important in IT career

Certifications are a way for IT professionals to demonstrate their knowledge and expertise in a particular area. They provide a tangible way for employers to gauge an applicant’s skill level and can help job seekers stand out in a crowded job market. In addition to demonstrating knowledge and expertise, certifications can also help IT professionals stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends.

Certifications can also help IT professionals earn higher salaries. According to a survey by Global Knowledge, IT professionals with certifications earn an average of 15% more than those without certifications. This is because certifications demonstrate a commitment to continuous learning and professional development, which is highly valued by employers.

Another benefit of certifications is that they can open up new career opportunities. For example, if you have a certification in a specific technology, you may be eligible for jobs that require that technology, even if you don’t have direct experience with it. Certifications can also help you move up the career ladder by demonstrating your expertise and commitment to your field.

How certifications boost your IT career


  • Certifications demonstrate knowledge and expertise in a specific area of IT.
  • They provide a tangible way for employers to gauge an applicant’s skill level.
  • Certifications can help IT professionals stand out in a crowded job market.
  • They demonstrate a commitment to continuous learning and professional development.
  • IT professionals with certifications earn an average of 15% more than those without certifications.
  • Certifications can open up new career opportunities.
  • They can help IT professionals move up the career ladder by demonstrating their expertise and commitment to their field.
  • Certifications can help IT professionals stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends.
  • Pursuing certifications shows initiative and dedication to one’s profession.
  • Certifications can help IT professionals gain recognition and respect from their peers and colleagues.


The importance of certification


  • Improved employment opportunities

The foremost benefit of a certification is linked directly to your employment prospects. Certifications help your resume look good and help you ace especially when there is competition during the recruitment process. Recruiters look for certifications and those who have them definitely have an advantage over those who do not have them. 

  • Access to new communities

Having certifications paves the way to involvement with new communities. It gives you the opportunity to network with other certified professionals. It will also open doors to others who are seeking to earn those certifications and will reach out to you for advice and help. You could interact with a peer support group where you can contribute and learn at the same time. Peer guidance can be a reliable source to improve your career and obtain technical knowledge.

  • Job retention

Certifications improve job retention. In a volatile economic environment, employers look for ways to cut costs. In such cases, they look at retrenching talent and one of the advantages of having a certification is that it helps employers retain you over others who do not have certifications. Certifications also show your employer that you are dedicated to improving your skills and knowledge which is an advantage for them. 

  • Advancement in your career

Certifications pave the way for a higher salary and better considerations, like a promotion. Many promotions and salary enhancements are directly linked to learning new technologies and skills through certifications. Certifications give you a competitive edge over others and advance your professional growth.

  • Establishing professional credibility

Certifications are a clear showcase of professional credibility and this is very important especially for freshers. Earning these certifications show your commitment to achieve professional development. Many organizations support employees who look to earn certifications in many ways. Generally, employers consider that those with certifications are more efficient with their work. They are often given more complex work therefore enhancing their professional credibility.

  • Better productivity in organizations

Professional certifications help individuals improve their capabilities to complete a certain job. Certified professionals can work towards a higher productivity in the organization. This is because they have advanced training, information and knowledge on tools, technologies, and strategies. Supporting employees to enhance their professional skills through certifications results in great benefits to organizations because they enhance the employer reputation as a supporter of employees.

  • Staying relevant

The importance of certifications is not limited to obtaining the certification alone. You constantly need to renew and retain your certifications by recertifying yourself once every few years. Recertifications helps professionals cope with updates in technologies and tools. They also help professionals in catching up with improvements in specific technology platforms and keep their skills relevant.

  • Showcasing uniqueness

Certification courses in new products and services help with professional development. These certifications could help professionals become subject matter experts on new offerings. This will also help them stand out from the rest of the crowd. New products usually do not have too many learning materials and certifications in them require a lot of effort and time. However, this will help you with knowledge that others do not have and help you be unique.


The most important factor of certifications is personal development. Certifications could be set as personal goals and could be a satisfying experience. Certifications could drive a feeling of self-motivation, discipline and commitment which are all intangible rewards a professional could get.

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